[地图]Google Maps Mobile繁体改简体版

Google Maps Mobile和Google Navigator之间的差别是越来越小了,两款软件同样可以在卫星地图和普通地图之间切换,同样支持GPS定位,同样在地图支持的地方可以进行GPS路线规划(中国的地图还比较空白),而地图数据同样是通过网络自动下载到手机上,真不知道Google是如何定位这两款产品的。

【疑惑】:因为所在上海无法得到Google Maps Mobile地图的支持,所以没有办法来测试具体导航规划效果等看起来非常炫的功能,国外的朋友有相关使用经验的朋友,请帮我解惑一下,除了免注册和需要注册以外,这两款软件到底有何本质不同,他们具体功能差异在哪里,请不吝赐教,谢谢!

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  1. #6
    yangbo_he2008-04-30 23:33:21Reply
  2. #5
    azq2008-04-28 23:27:14Reply
  3. #4
    Johnson2008-04-10 0:57:10Reply
  4. #3
    1. google navigator is not google product. 2. google navigator uses google maps (maps/satellite/hybrid). 3. google maps is free with "my location" feature. google navigator doesn't have "my location" feature and is cost product ($60). 4. google maps doesn't have turn-by-burn voice guiding prompt for navigating, google navigator paid version does. 5. google maps doesn't store downloaded maps, google navigator does. 6. google maps is very stable, google navigator has potential, but not stable yet, crashes all time, even the latest v3.0 version.
    tony2008-04-09 23:45:22Reply
  5. #2
    By all accounts, it appears that Google Navigator is a FRAUD!! I am not sure how you even know that you have to download maps somehow - I got no documenation with this and can find no information on-line indicating how to download the maps. Satellite view appears to work, but maps functionality only shows white outlines of the continents - nothing else. I cannot get a response from technical support either... Guess I should have known that $60 was too good to be true given the costs associated with other navigation related GPS tools?!?!?! I also have to join the list of p--ssed off people on this one. I've been scammed!! Don't buy this product!! by aRAY:Thank you for telling me the truth!
    jackson2008-04-09 10:01:24Reply
  6. #1
    是这样的Aray, Google Navigator并不是真正google出品的, 正宗google出品的地图产品只有google maps. Google Navigator只是借用了google地图。当然,这就是牛b的地方。首先不是每个人都能随便写个软件见能接收google地图的;其次,google方面知道Google Navigator的存在,但是却任其发展。写到这里就想到了tx和soff,所以你说现在的google maps 和Google Navigator越来越接近了,估计也是这个道理,不断吸收其他长处,去掉糟粕。 这几天实在太忙,我尽量在这个周末试验一下Google Maps使用效果,然后应该会发图片什么的给你,希望能有时间弄。 by aRAY:多谢指点!如果有时间的话帮忙测试一下!
    Jimmy2008-04-09 6:23:44Reply

