[Android] Windows Mobile的新一轮Android体验(更新)

XDAndroid是XDA高手专门为Windows Mobile机型定制的Android,兼容Diamond, Diamond2, HD, Pro, Pro2,解决了GPRS和WIFI通信的问题,更是在系统速度上有了很大的提升,真正距离实用化又迈进了一大步(解压密码:aRAY.CN)。

【5月17日更新】:更新的安装包在Diamond 2实测结果,电源管理正常了,其它方面基本手机通信正常(打电话接听和话筒,短信功能),WIFI(超频版不能搜到无线网络)、蓝牙、重力感应都基本正常,铃声无声(原帖注明可能是存储卡有中文文件名缘故),GPS定位可用但有BUG(定位成功瞬间系统死机),相机不可用,其它机型感兴趣请大家自行测试。



建议先备份SD卡上所有的数据,然后将卡格式化(如果PC上格式化,分区格式选FAT32),然后将下载的CAB安装包拷贝存储卡上,在手机上运行安装,并选择安装至Storage Card完成后,会让你选择自己的机型,完成初始化配置后,进入开始菜单运行快捷方式即可


【Touch Diamond 2上的对应按键】:


•SDCard – Most SDCards are working, but if you the ‘waiting for SDCard’ message, you should try one of these fixes (and please let us know if it works)
Fix 1: Format your card with this tool http://www.sdcard.org/consumers/formatter/
Fix 2: Edit your startup.txt file and add these entries to your cmdline:
set cmdline “lcd.density=240 msmts_calib=0x395.0x3c9.0x79.0x77 clock-7×00.a11=500 msmvkeyb_toggle=off pmem.extra=1 gsensor_axis=-2,-1,3
msmsdcc_1bit msmsdcc_fmax=14000000 msmsdcc_nopwrsave”
Fix 3: Tell your wife / girlfriend that you are about to make some modifications to her phone… change the ringtone and steal her old Class 2 SD Card to use with Android. She will never discover what you have done, and if she does, you’ll be able to use Android to send texts to your former girlfriends 😉
•Camera – Not working
•GPS – Not working
•Battery Status – Highly problematic for most users (don’t trust the capacity Android tells you, it’s simply up and down a lot, and highly inaccurate)
•WiFi – Working for most people, suspected to cause slight heat, definitely drains the battery faster than WinMo. Some users have reported freezes when switching WiFi off
•Audio – Speaker working for most people, microphone can have issues
•Deep Sleep – Working for most people, but can have issues waking up (sometimes, it will not wake up)
•GPRS – Working
•3G – Working for most
•PIN Code – Not working
•GSensor – Working (Screen only handles 0 and 270 degrees)
•Bluetooth – Experimentally working (don’t expect too much, but it’s working for a number of users)
•OpenGL ES – Not working
•USB – Supported, but will NOT operate in mass storage mode. You can charge via USB and you can debug, but forget accessing your files by it.
•Headphone Socket – Semi working (see FAQ for details on how to make it work)
•Application Errors: It’s very common to see ‘Application (xxxxxx) is not responding: Force Close or Wait’. Click wait. I do not know the precise reason for this, but from what I can gather, it COULD be related to the slow speed of the SD Card causing the app response times to JUST be a little too slow for Android’s liking, thus causing the message. This seems to happen more after bootup or wakeup when the device is busy doing stuff in the background.
•Cannot choose ringtones: This is believed to be caused by the media scanner failing (due to discovering some filenames with none English characters). The best option of all is to use a CLEAN SD Card. But, if you insist on hosting other files on the same SD Card, you MUST make sure they have English character filenames.

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  1. #171
    玉兰油2010-12-26 19:07:46Reply
  2. #170
    dg2010-08-26 16:32:58Reply
  3. #169
    钱佳佑2010-08-09 18:52:27Reply
  4. #168
    vip2009lly2010-08-03 14:52:16Reply
  5. #167
    Lonny2010-06-19 18:08:02Reply
  6. #166
    PPC软件2010-06-19 0:17:56Reply
  7. #165
    Slash2010-06-16 9:42:12Reply
  8. #164
    Fly2010-06-12 15:39:17Reply
  9. #163
    @Fly: 第一次进入在动画X的地方是比较长时间的,耐心等待一下,如果好长时间还是不行,就看看内存卡有没有必要格式化一下,或者刷另一个ROM再试android.
    Jam2010-06-12 14:06:46Reply
  10. #162
    Fly2010-06-12 13:51:57Reply
  11. #161
    @很牛河: 一直停在色屏幕,不停的出现X的开机动画,就是这样
    Fly2010-06-12 13:48:46Reply
  12. #160
    @Fly: 有一个调整屏幕定位的界面,就是左上角有个小方块的,你点了没
    很牛河2010-06-12 13:37:07Reply
  13. #159
    Fly2010-06-12 10:49:50Reply
  14. #158
    @iyak: 电子市场没问题,我觉得你应该先安装一个任务管理器,一进入系统就马上全杀进程,钻石1内存太小了,所以速度比较慢,全杀进程后还是可以接受的。
    Jam2010-06-11 13:35:33Reply
  15. #157
    谢谢aray,刚才正苦于没有代理不能下载。 竟然连skyfire都连接不到。
    Jam2010-06-11 13:33:47Reply
  16. #156
    更新2.4版本,系统还是Android 2.1的,XDA上说明主要还是在BUG修复和速度优化上
    aRAY2010-06-09 14:26:42Reply
  17. #155
    为什么我的钻2安装不起来啊 等很久都还是没反应……
    machaohzzx2010-06-08 8:53:36Reply
  18. #154
    速度有待提高,发热量仍很大,电子市场压根用不了。 忘了说了,我的是diamond
    iyak2010-06-08 0:03:31Reply
  19. #153
    Jerry2010-06-07 19:33:18Reply
  20. #152
    @KAKA: 我的用不了gprs啊,不知道怎么回事
    zhang2010-06-05 20:11:04Reply
  21. #151
    @bd: 你是用的G网的卡还是C网的卡?
    獐狼2010-06-04 17:46:03Reply
  22. #150
    @獐狼: 一样的。选tilt2。其实我试过,选Rhodium也能运行。呵呵呵~
    bd2010-06-04 11:26:30Reply
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