isotope244 - Land Air Sea Warfare Mobile 手机RTS大作

【游戏】:Land Air Sea Warfare Mobile 【出品】:isotope244
【支持】:Windows Mobile 6.x WVGA 【注册】:CAB完整版(带破解)


As the commander of a massive war campaign you can navigate stealth aircraft and submarines on recon missions, airlift units into the fight via helis, scout tread marks left by enemy tanks to their base, and hide under trees for an ambush attack. You can expand your city with over 100 structures and units to choose from. As your empire grows you can research technologies to guide the focus of your strategy. Dominate on all types of terrain, send aircraft to bombard the enemy to weaken its infrastructure, control the shores with a naval fleet of ships and subs, and transport units into the fight to finish the mission! You can even manufacture and launch game changing weapons such as ICBMs.

Land Air Sea Warfare features a random map system so every game you play is unique and poses new challenges. There are also several victory types and settings to customize the game and provide fresh missions. After each battle detailed statistics are displayed showing the how the tides of war changed for each player.

New Features:

Command six new gigantic mega units.
Highly optimized game engine runs great even on netbooks
Direct new ships, subs, and a full naval armament.
Launch all new ICBM and defense systems.
Use the new technology research system.
New voices for units, over 250 fun remarks.
New voice system warns you of attacks and resource shortages.
Learn the game with new integrated help system and tooltips.
Challenge the new AI featuring several attack modes and strategies.
Navigate stealth fighter aircraft and submarines.
Attack with new laser and electric shock weapons.
Construct defensive shields and walls.
New volcanic terrain type to play on.
Learn more with the new loading screen featuring unit and tech info and gameplay tips.
Customize the game with the new mutator feature so you can play with only ground units, only sea units, etc.
Win at each of six new victory conditions such as Team Traitors, Arms Race, The Mega Project, etc.
Use the new radar system with upgraded display option to track enemy positions.
Command new transport carriers to quickly move vehicles and ships.
Research new technologies including Secret Agents and Intelligence Service.
Watch the new aircraft with realistic flight patterns.
Discover ten new map types.
Enjoy ten new music tracks.

未经允许不得转载:aRAY「爱生活.爱剁手.爱折腾」 » isotope244 - Land Air Sea Warfare Mobile 手机RTS大作
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  1. #34
    HD2上玩这个游戏 比视频里的画面差好多啊 视频里的是Iphone的效果吗?
    112222010-11-01 10:12:10Reply
  2. #33
    carfield2010-10-06 15:51:30Reply
  3. #32
    @wangqiang: 已经是破解版的 清理下内存试试,估计是你的可用内存不足
    很牛河2010-08-21 14:50:27Reply
  4. #31
    wangqiang2010-08-21 14:42:23Reply
  5. #30
    wangqiang2010-08-21 14:41:20Reply
  6. #29
    Zhu2010-07-11 13:10:18Reply
  7. #28
    如果相赢超级简单的,一出来就在造两辆矿车,采矿。 然后马上建立兵营,造两台战车,过去消灭对方的矿车,然后打兵营,中间不停的建最低级的战车,不断打兵营和电力设备。根本不用到建飞机的时候。而且这款游戏和其它游戏一样,越到后期越难打。
    godsonpf2010-07-11 0:51:15Reply
  8. #27
    @godsonpf: @godsonpf: 主基地可以生产的第一个就是矿车
    godsonpf2010-07-08 22:42:26Reply
  9. #26
    @iletit: @iletit: 不需要钱,需要资源和电力,采矿车是一开始基地旁边的长方形小车,点到有资源的地方会自动采矿。
    godsonpf2010-07-08 22:41:51Reply
  10. #25
    iletit2010-07-08 11:51:42Reply
  11. #24
    @aRAY: 不过我喜欢升级后用哪个导弹,爽,大本一炮打掉。
    iletit2010-07-08 11:48:39Reply
  12. #23
    @cren_06: 你是说打完怎么退出吧,我试了试按退回键就回主菜单了。 这游戏挺好玩的,和红警差不多,还有超级武器,我就喜欢那导弹,哇啦啦一大片全炸光,还有那大船也不知道是什么船基本上一发过去什么东西都差不多打掉了。。很耐玩的游戏
    iletit2010-07-08 11:46:51Reply
  13. #22
    @sti175: 无需硬键盘支持,我就是在hd2上玩的
    Akimi2010-07-07 23:19:09Reply
  14. #21
    sti1752010-07-06 17:16:06Reply
  15. #20
    @godsonpf: Argentum画面还是比较细腻的,只是物体建模的构图太小 ,不容易操作
    Akimi2010-07-06 11:02:03Reply
  16. #19
    @简简单单的鸣: 游戏战斗和操作,画面还是不错的,至少在windows mobile平台中算是比较优秀的了,况且流畅度也很不错 @godsonpf: 这个游戏之前没玩过,看了下的确很像
    aRAY2010-07-06 10:01:07Reply
  17. #18
    这个其实是Argentum的升级版,玩过的朋友就能发现里面基地兵营完全一致。后者还有qvga版。 见下图
    godsonpf2010-07-06 1:49:56Reply
  18. #17
    失望啊 画面效果一般
    简简单单的鸣2010-07-05 17:26:36Reply
  19. #16
    下来试试 HD2应该效果不错 有汉化版就好了
    简简单单的鸣2010-07-05 16:47:44Reply
  20. #15
    @Sahhhhhh: 普通模式最弱智的打法,不停早船和飞机,造完一堆,然后一坨一起过去,马上被把电脑推倒
    aRAY2010-07-04 22:01:58Reply
  21. #14
    Akimi2010-07-04 21:38:01Reply
  22. #13
    Sahhhhhh2010-07-04 20:29:34Reply
  23. #12
    @aRAY: 呵呵,多谢指点,我还以为是WQVGA屏幕显示兼容不好呢
    cren_062010-07-04 20:08:49Reply
  24. #11
    @aRAY: 替换到哪里?
    ZMG2010-07-04 17:58:23Reply
  25. #10
    海天2010-07-04 0:24:44Reply
  26. #9
    cool try on it
    Akimi2010-07-03 20:44:30Reply
  27. #8
    @ZMG: 压缩包中有.exe,CAB安装后替换一下
    aRAY2010-07-03 18:25:22Reply
  28. #7
    破解没?怎么还是现实buy it?
    ZMG2010-07-03 18:17:23Reply
  29. #6
    @cren_06: 右上角小地图,有一个x,点击一下就到系统菜单了 那个X确实挺小的。。。
    Sahhhhhh2010-07-03 15:36:48Reply
  30. #5
    @cren_06: 右上角小地图,有一个x,点击一下就到系统菜单了
    aRAY2010-07-03 15:06:56Reply
  31. #4
    cren_062010-07-03 13:48:57Reply
  32. #3
    VGA(HTC6950)下载可以玩,好像可以完整显示! 期待汉化版,很流畅,很完美!
    Sahhhhhh2010-07-03 9:41:04Reply
  33. #2
    为什么下不下来?我下载文件永远只有107k zip报错
    qnq2010-07-03 8:33:38Reply
  34. #1
    keir long2010-07-03 0:58:12Reply

