[刷机]P800刷机2%/3%/Invalid Model ID退出解决办法

看到那么多朋友因为粗心大意,没有刷USPL前刷一些ROM导致开机卡死,只能进三色屏但是刷任何ROM都会在2%或者3%退出(有时更是提示Invalid Model ID错误无法进行刷机),我也一直在找解决办法,以下是我参考了很多资料总结的解决办法。

主要的解决思路来自XDA-Developers论坛的一篇帖子(Model number conflicts/ROM upgrade problem),帖子里介绍了因为非法Model ID而导致的Invalid Model ID 错误(或者2% -3%刷机退出)的一种解决办法。对于初学者,简单介绍一下,刷过ROM的机型开机时都会显示几行红字,会显示SPL/IPL/OS/Radio等版本信息,其中和刷机失败最为相关的就是IPL和SPL,其对应值就代表着你的机型所对应的语言版本,而一直强调刷USPL使得成为SuperCID(刷过后SPL值为1.11.00),就是为了破解IPL和SPL对于刷机ROM语言版本的限制,否则一旦刷机失败,你只能恢复到对应你机器最原始版本的ROM(也叫原厂ROM),如果刷的ROM语言版本不对应,那就会遇到Invalid Model ID 错误(或者2% -3%刷机退出)。

【请特别注意!】:当你的P800因为ROM的稳定性问题导致开机定屏无法进入系统,先尝试硬起恢复设置(关机状态下,按住左右软键不放,再按开机键,出现英文提示,按绿色拨号键确认),而不是盲目刷机以试图恢复系统,特别是SPL不是1.11的SuperCID状态下,一旦失败就只能刷入原厂ROM了,要不然就是Invalid Model ID 错误(或者2% -3%刷机退出)。







未经允许不得转载:aRAY「爱生活.爱剁手.爱折腾」 » [刷机]P800刷机2%/3%/Invalid Model ID退出解决办法
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  1. #21
    shuaige1002008-10-12 19:56:18Reply
  2. #20
    shuaige1002008-10-12 19:54:17Reply
  3. #19
    shuaige1002008-10-12 19:50:51Reply
  4. #18
    How to update ROM on O2 Orbit-solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All, I've exchanged many emails with the imei.check.co.uk team and also met personally one of these guys in order to be able to upload a new ROM to my O2 Orbit. I had excatly the same problem as many of you with ending the uploding process with "model invalid id" error message. Now I'm happy to say we do have a solution. So if you want to change your ROM (any), simply follow these instructions: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Of course you can publish the instructions... BUT PLEASE put a BIG WARNING! It will crash the phone in case you don't have a valid key file to perfom the last step: RUN THE UNLOCKER AGAIN AFTER THE ROM MODEL SWITCH TO RECOVER FROM THE DATA CRASHED MESSAGE! Hello, we found a way to flash ANY artemis roms in ANY Artemis look alike device (HTC Hero too). Tools you need: -hexworkshop from http://www.bpsoft.com/downloads/ -Any rom -winzip or winrar -http://www.imei-check.co.uk/C3v1Unlock.zip a valid UNL file for your phone. install hexworkshop and winzip/winrar Take any rom for example: ART_HTCWWE_11240501_026790_WWE_Ship.exe in explorer, right click on it and select "Extract files..." Now it will unpack all the files You'll have now "HTCWWE_shipsigned.nbh" right click on it and Click "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop" You'll see on the 5th row ARTE10000 Make it ARTE***** and save file Now right click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe and "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop" Search for word password.it will find it at 0x3E0B0 after password replace "BsaD5SeoA" with "IMEICHECK" and save the .exe file Now connect the phone to the pc (normal way). run the C3v1Unlock.exe when is asking for UNL file, disconect the phone from pc, press cancel, and close the unlocker. Now connect the phone back to the pc (in this mode it is) and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe Now follow the instructions as the upgrade it will work. After upgrade done, run the unlocker again and this time select the correct UNLfile. Task Done. C3 after flashing with any WIFI roms it will STILL not have WIFI!!!
    shuaige1002008-10-12 19:48:36Reply
  5. #17
    shuaige1002008-10-12 19:48:07Reply
  6. #16
    aRAY你这篇文章是不是我这个有帮助,可惜我弄不懂意思。 How to update ROM on O2 Orbit-solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All, I've exchanged many emails with the imei.check.co.uk team and also met personally one of these guys in order to be able to upload a new ROM to my O2 Orbit. I had excatly the same problem as many of you with ending the uploding process with "model invalid id" error message. Now I'm happy to say we do have a solution. So if you want to change your ROM (any), simply follow these instructions: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Of course you can publish the instructions... BUT PLEASE put a BIG WARNING! It will crash the phone in case you don't have a valid key file to perfom the last step: RUN THE UNLOCKER AGAIN AFTER THE ROM MODEL SWITCH TO RECOVER FROM THE DATA CRASHED MESSAGE! Hello, we found a way to flash ANY artemis roms in ANY Artemis look alike device (HTC Hero too). Tools you need: -hexworkshop from http://www.bpsoft.com/downloads/ -Any rom -winzip or winrar -http://www.imei-check.co.uk/C3v1Unlock.zip a valid UNL file for your phone. install hexworkshop and winzip/winrar Take any rom for example: ART_HTCWWE_11240501_026790_WWE_Ship.exe in explorer, right click on it and select "Extract files..." Now it will unpack all the files You'll have now "HTCWWE_shipsigned.nbh" right click on it and Click "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop" You'll see on the 5th row ARTE10000 Make it ARTE***** and save file Now right click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe and "Hex Edit with Hex Workshop" Search for word password.it will find it at 0x3E0B0 after password replace "BsaD5SeoA" with "IMEICHECK" and save the .exe file Now connect the phone to the pc (normal way). run the C3v1Unlock.exe when is asking for UNL file, disconect the phone from pc, press cancel, and close the unlocker. Now connect the phone back to the pc (in this mode it is) and run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe Now follow the instructions as the upgrade it will work. After upgrade done, run the unlocker again and this time select the correct UNLfile. Task Done. C3 after flashing with any WIFI roms it will STILL not have WIFI!!! Regards, IMEI-CHECK Team
    shuaige1002008-10-12 19:45:39Reply
  7. #15
    同13楼 我也是一样找来的 一样没有找到表格 xda-developers快被我翻了个遍 也一样没有找到…… 麻烦aRAY给下链接?谢谢!
    JayXie2008-07-08 9:24:54Reply
  8. #14
    等待2008-03-09 3:44:05Reply
  9. #13
    wei2008-03-05 12:11:11Reply
  10. #12
    Daniel2007-10-31 11:45:15Reply
  11. #11
    fly pda2007-10-31 4:04:36Reply
  12. #10
    fly pda2007-10-28 11:28:35Reply
  13. #9
    Aray, how to make RUU if I have the orginal ROM? Someone send me the orignial China Mobile ROM, bunch of NBH file, but when I replaced them in some of the RUU packs I downloaded, it didn't work. So, how? Please help!
    Daniel2007-10-26 9:10:48Reply
  14. #8
    wind2007-10-24 18:37:22Reply
  15. #7
    "为完成...." "未完成...."
    sakxk2007-10-24 9:10:09Reply
  16. #6
    更早以前买的p800w的spl会是1.25 1.27 1.28的?这个我还没有确认,不知道我的理解对不对
    wind2007-10-23 21:29:11Reply
  17. #5
    aray,谢谢你这么忙还写这个教程,我也是刷p800w刷坏的,所以我了解了很多这方面的资料,现在我了解的情况大体如下:p800w一版一版的出,其spl的版本也在不断的更新,我两周之前买的spl是1.29,也就是说我用aw刷wm5以后,进入三色屏可以看到IPL是1.29.0000,spl 1.29.0000 ,据我跟一些修理商家了解的情况是这么解释的:如果spl是1.25以下可以通过电脑刷回去(好像是这个意思),并且好像能够让spl永远刷成1.11还是多少,另外如果是1.25以上的好像只能通过刷所谓的一种工程卡才能刷回来,而这种工程卡是非常昂贵的,很少地方能有
    wind2007-10-23 21:27:33Reply
  18. #4
    老大。。我的spl是1.29的P800w,刷成三色机了,都是2%或者3%问题,能不拆机换字库进行解决么? by aRAY:这几天工作实在太忙,这个教程周三给大家完成,P800w应该能解决的。
    wind2007-10-22 12:42:46Reply
  19. #3
    jimmy2007-10-20 21:46:38Reply
  20. #2
    aRAY 你好 看了你的 地址是 http://aray.cn/2007/07/09/p800-splash-screen-offical-logo/ 我想要1份它们的原图刷到我的566上面 麻烦发给我1份 谢谢 我的邮箱是 78896610@163.com 再次感谢你
    dopod 5662007-10-20 14:11:39Reply
  21. #1
    Daniel2007-10-20 12:48:05Reply

